GetHelp requires you have VBRUN200.DLL in a pathed directory. This is a freebee and I hope you like it, but Donations are accepted. (got to pay my communications bill!) Fred L. Freel c/o GVW 7544 Winneka Avenue Winneka, CA 91306 GetHelp allows you to call Windows or Windows Applications' Help Files, and jump to a page that you specify. This is handy when you're working with a new program, and want information on a given area quickly. The multi-colored icons are provided so you can select a Help file quickly, by color, without reading the caption. GetHelp requires command line parameters, but has a built-in Help message that expains how to set up those parameters. Just double-click on it's icon, and you'll see the message. Using GetHelp without parameters will automatically take you into Windows' "How to use Windows Help." To install: Put GETHELP.EXE and it's Icons, along with this readme file in a directory of your choice. You can eliminate the other files, unless you want to experiment with enhancing GetHelp with the Visual Basic 2.0 source code. From File Manager, highlight GETHELP.EXE, then holding the mouse button down, drag it into an open Group window in Program Manager. That's all there is to it. When you double-click on GetHelp's icon you will get instructions on how to setup that particular GetHelp icon. When you've done that, drag another NEW GETHELP.EXE into that, or another Group, and you can configure it for another Help File and/or Help Keyword. Errors: If GetHelp won't open a Help File, it's possible that the Help File is not pathed to in your environment. Adding a path to the Help file when you set up the command line parameters will probably solve this, or double-check your spelling and spacing on the keyword(s). Source: The code is for V-Basic 2.0. V-Basic 1.0 users: The code has been saved as text, so if you want to use it in V-Basic 1.0, use Notepad to extract the Subroutines and Global Statements. Paste these into a fresh VB-1 module; the Globals, Declare and Type statements into the Global.bas module; the Subs, Form_Load, CloseWindow, Main and Send_Message into Form1. Then save them with GETHELP names. Also, set the Visual Property of your Form1 to False, and the Startup to Sub Main. Enjoy!